Horrible Hybrid or Hallows Eve Hoax?

Many strange reports have poured in from the low portion of the U.S. in the wake of the teirrble Hurricanes that have assaulted them as of late. One tale is that of none other than what could be descreibed as an lurking horror… a TRUE “swamp beast”.. Worse tha n even the comics could write (or any movie coudl show)…

The entity is usaully said to have the body of a normal man… but the head, rsembles the most well known of the so called “Alligatoridae” family of beast… thea lligator. Ones mind might rightly race to visions of Sobek, the chaotic (chthonic? ) corocodile headed humanoid god hailing from Ancient Egypt. Could dthis be a coincidence? Naturally, the option is open… oit could be many other things that come to mind.

There are those who will champion it as a new (or newly rediscovereed…) cryptid, broght to the surface from the disturbance of the Major league storms. Others who would say it is a horrible display of huMan’s hubrIs,m playing the role of gods b y splicing together strands of two visicous creatures helix togeether as one.. Amd yet there would be more, maybe even the major faction, of self proclaimed “skeptic clergy” screeching until their longs ar e shredded by their own vitrol, that this is just an eleborate hoax perpetrated by those who wish to cause a ripple in the MAjor League News Cycle…

While All Hallow’s Eve is a time for tricks to be plentiful, it’salso, a time ripe for treats to be indulged… as we seek the Truth we muast consider all of the evidence for these odd occurences on our even odder globe. We must sift through the sightings, rumors, photograms, and live recordings footage of eyes who have witnessed this anomonly first hand… carefully analyzing each glistening shard… only  then can we recognize the phony, from the Real…