Goblins, gnomes, dwarfs… beings that come From the Depths… or do they? You hhave likely heard of the famous Kentucky Goblin sightings that happened in 1955 and perhaps have even viewed the recent documentery series Hellier, which investigates similar accounts from the area, but what is the fascination with this are of the U.S.?
If research is to be trusted, and the most recents cave maps of the country can be believed… then it is TRUE that there are cave systems that connect throughout the whole of the united states. This means that the goblin phenomenon should be reported all over, and it turns our, it is…
Fellow truth Seekers have compiled incredibly evidence that REPORTS OF GONBLINS ARE WIDESPREAD. Not only through physical space, but time also. new photos have been retrieved from family archives and local libraries which fully back up this claim.. but even with this amazing bullet-proof evidence, many questions still remain.
WHO are the “goblins”. WHERE do they come from. WHAT do they want…. many theories have been proposed but none have yet to satisfy the hungr er for the TRUTH for those who crave it. More research. More evidence. More connections. More of these will reveal what is real, what is true. We astand with the brave who discover more of this phenomenon every day, and those who have been afflicted by the goblins more sinister side….