Dogmen Encounters Linked With Orb Sightings

Reports of men (and women) with human type bodies but dog-like heads has been around for centuries… The ancient Greeks and Egyptians are among the earliest civilizations to report contact with th e humanoid dog creatures, or as they were known to the Greeks, “Cynocephalus”. A mere skimming of the truth of the dog people results in understanding that these reports are likely more than just myth… they are probably Grade-A Truth. 

Why would there be so many straightforward reports, from many civilizations, throughout almost all of written “history”, unless these were samplings of a TRUTH. But have they been hidden by those who may not want it to be founds.. ? Yhere are still many reports of the canid creatures coming in every year, some more benigne, and some that are more ominous .

Those who SEEK the truth have of course began to link many once seemingly unconnected paranatural phenomonon together, a tangled spiders web of reality, that may make up the whole truth of our world. One of these links is the vision of ORBS appearing before, after, or during, encounters with EBE’s, UFO’s, bogfoot, and of course… the dogmen…

What are the orbs? Are the orbs trying to tell us something? Lead us to the TRUTH and cast away the SHACKLES OF OUR FALSE CONCEPTION OF REALITY..??

We as of yet do not know with certainty, but the next time the orbs shoe themselves, be prepared to encounter a world beyond what you know… and bring a peace offering for the fearsome(?) dogman…