Are You Dating a Reptilian?

Lonliness. A dark aplague upon our race and one that has taken more lives in utter tragedy thatn one cares to remember. The advent of modern dating apps has tried to alleviate the issue by allowing people from around the globe or just there local area to meet others whom they might not have ever had the chance. But what is to be said about the inherit anenimity that comes with these apps? Do you ever really know who you’re talking to? They could be anyone??? I’m here to tell you that they just might be….  Ut they’re not just another PERSON… who you didn’t expect… but an entirely different race of beings all together… Youy’re local dating scene might just be infested with a swarm of reptiles from the constellation draco.

Swiping right could just land you into the deadly arms of a Draco Reptilian. And sure… they may be pretty hot, but that is just a telepathic mind-screen making you see what they WANT you to see. How many hookups have you had that you can say FOR SURE weren’t with a reptile? Thimk about it. Deeply. Try to remember anything that seemed ‘off’ to you and you just brushed off because dating is an awkward thing. Did you see any viles labled ‘human blood sample’ or a large heating lamp in the corner of their room? These are signs that you could well have been more intiment with an extraterrestrial than you wanted to be.. 

It’s your safety that’s on the line. We still are unsure of what the dracos’ plan is, whyy they are trying to inflitrate our society and our dating apps, but if history is an indicator… ite’s likely nothing we want to be a part of. In fact, even SEEING one of their mind-screens could lead to dire health conditions later in life. This is a WAR and we are LOSING.. For now… they time will come when we are able to stand against thed racos and FIGHT BACK. . but for now, we ask that you enjoy your life, live free as you are able… but swipe carefully…