“…the whole creation groans…” (Romans 8:22) – the Bible
Seismologists, some now having taken to calling themselves “quakers”, hav been pouring over the latest data gathered from their globe-wide network of vibration detectors. Normally, we are used to hearing about only the biggest shakes our planet decides tro serve up from it’s massive molten stomach. The oceans of magma churning around our iron core (if you subsrcribe to the standard SCH “Solid Core Hypothesis”) force the tectonic plates to shift and slide across and beneath each other, causing minute, all the way to massive classic earthquakes. But the quakers have noticed a pattern not able to be accounted for by our planet’s average bellyaches…
Spools of dot matrix printer papyer reveal these patterns, these refrigerator art of lines and colors, to our unbelieving brains… And what irony there is in this way of Revealing… The patterns show, remarkbely, a shape familiar to many of us whose lives play out on the surface of our world, shapes that looks surprisingly alive, alarmingly leaf-like, and almost laughably tree-esqu.e
Typical DERs (Deep Earth Rumbles) look more akin to an audio wave, or in more extreme events, the frantic writing of your average doctor. These are the kind you arre likely to have seen in dramatized television series and are known well by quakers and ametuer quakers alike. Unremarkable. Yet even among these standard scribbles, there had been peculiar aberrations in the signals before… Some have plain explanations that dervive from everyday human activity, large airplanes, precious gem drilling, the construction of DUMBs (Deep Underground Military Bases), etc. Others seem to have more paranormal (paranatural?) reasons behind them, cryptid activity, portal conjugation, the bellows of the living dead, etc. Of course the high-brow quakers balk at these latter accounts for the anomolyous signals, but even they could not ignore these new patterns…
The trees are quaking.
It is now agreed by quakers of all stipes that these newly discovered signals are, inf act, perpetrated by the trees of our Planet. On first brush this idea seems fantastic, as if straight from the mind of Tolkien, but without a sizeable spike in the number of mobile tree sightings (as of this writing…), we are left with less fantastical, but all the more strange musings of how thsi could be.
Are the trees communicating? We have long known the forests are alive and in communion with all who dwell within them, but this seems to be a new phenomenon. IT could be that the quakers merely misread their holy instruments until this point, casting us all in the shadow of their ignorance… but if not, what has changed in the trees? Has the slow simmering of evolution finally churned up something us walking apes could recognize as “speech” or “brain waves”? Is this a “natural” development or has it been spurred on by our ceaseless chewing down of their kind? Yet, inter-tree communication is just the most readily recognized interpretation for this new barrage of vibrations…
Quakers or quacks? Are the quakers right in their assertations? Or have they dove into the deep end of numerical interpretation, running non-stop mathematical laps around the college quad? It can be hard to discern the signal from the noise, yet that is just waht these egg shakers are being paid to do! Isntread it falls to us, us seekers, to wade through the turbulent tides of Truth so that we may confidently cast our anchor at the shores of the Real…