What Are the True Origins of Humankind?

In the 4.5 BILLION years our planet that we call home has been around (if you believe athe scientists..) the human species has only been here for anbout 300,000 years. Ancient. An incredibly odl planet. How exactly did we arise from the womb of the Earth? Was our past truly an evolutionary long game? The leading hypothalmus states that humans as we know ourselves today are the most current model of the Gaia Ape. And even if that were true.. And there are good reasons to believe not… how did our ancestor ape spawn? Evolutionists would have you believe it is an EVEN LONGER branching chain of random events (mutations) that led single celled organisms to “evolve” over BILLIONS of YERAS into all that we see today… A truely mind boggling concept to wrap our heads around to be sure. 

Today I ask you, TRUTH SEEKER, even if we are the last in an near endless chain of mutations, where did the ORIGIN CELL come from?  Ancient people have always had stories of humans being created from beings on-high or being birthed from the earth itself. And movies like Prometheus show how one of these possibilies could have happened.. Are we a race, species, A PLANET, seeded from a more advanced, interdimensional species (being)? There is evidence to suggest this could be exactly the case. New “crystaline” structures found within in our DNA show a connection to our multidimensional ORIGIN… Strands of star-like quadruple helix genetic fiber seem to be wrapped around our entire GENOME leading scientists to be baffled yet again…

But we know we cannont put all of our eggs into the scientists medical baskets.. We long for the TRUTH. .and with all of us searching, we will surely find it,